Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hov Pod Hovercraft Rescues Kayaker in New Zealand

Auckland Airport, New Zealand, rescued a kayaker who got into difficulties in early January 2010, with their Hov Pod Rescue Hovercraft. Rescue Boats in the area were unable to reach the victim, so the Airport deployed their Hov Pod to help save the kayaker.

Excerpt taken from: Auckland Airport Hov Pod Rescues Kayaker

"When a kayaker became exhausted and stranded on mud flats near Puketutu Island, the Auckland Airport hovercraft rescued her

3 January 2010 - Auckland Airport

A hovercraft from Auckland Airport has been used to rescue an exhausted kayaker. Around 3 o'clock this afternoon Coastguard received a call from a woman stuck on mud flats near Puketutu Island in the Manukau Harbour. Coastguard sent their boat to the scene but the closest it could get to the kayaker was still 800 metres away. So the hovercraft from nearby Auckland Airport was called to rescue the exhausted paddler.

Coastguard also reports a busy day elsewhere, with a vessel filling with water after hitting a rock in the Bay of Islands and a jet ski rescue at Raglan."

For more information on the Hov Pod for Search & Rescue, please contact Hov Pod on sales@hovpod.com.au or visit www.hovpod.com.au